
+507 282-3400


Business Hours

Mon - Fri 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

At Legacy Group Services we are committed to providing support to our clients. We have high-level professionals, responsible and dedicated but above all passionate about everything they do. 
We are a Boutique Law Firm large enough to allow our attorneys to focus on specific legal areas, yet small enough to maintain personal contact with our clients, resulting in high quality, efficient and personal legal services.
We combine youth, preparation, experience, and talent to put them at the service of our clients who trust in us.


Walkyria Pitti


Practice Areas: Environmental Management | Intellectual Property | Corporative & Asset Protection | Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances
Phone: + 507  282-3451

Career Path:
Lawyer graduated from the University of Panama; she completed a Master in Environmental Management at the Latin American University of Sciences and Technology, receiving the Magna Cum Laude degree of honor.
Member of the National Bar Association and serves as an Environmental Mediator and Conciliator, with suitability issued by the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Panama.
It specializes in investment structuring and asset protection through corporate instruments, providing legal certainty to companies and guiding them in monitoring due diligence processes.

Positions held in Public Administration:

  • Supreme Court of Justice [Corte Suprema de Justicia] - 2006-2009
  • Project Coordinating Lawyer in the Maritime Jurisdiction and Antitrust law - Secretariat for Modernization and Judicial Management.
  • Agency for the Panama Pacific Special Economic Area [Agencia Panamá Pacífico] - 2009-2012
  • Director of the Integrated Procedures System. Legal Advisor in the Investor Attention Department.

Luis Oscar Pitti


Practice Areas: Tax and Government Procurement Law | Lanlord-tenant law | Civil | Labor | Migration
Phone: +507 6061-1541

Career Path:
Lawyer, with a degree in Law and Political Sciences from the University of Panama, in 1989. He has a Master's and Postgraduate Degree in Tax Law and Tax Processing from the UNESCPA University, in 2017 and a Diploma in Literary Creation from the University Technological of Panama.
Mr. Pitti, prior to practicing law, worked as a Journalist and Social Communicator, for which he maintains his firm foundations in the defense of fundamental freedoms and the right to information, above all.
His professional experience is wide and varied, in these 31 years. Before practicing law, worked as a Journalist and Social Communicator, for which reason he maintains his firm bases in the defense of fundamental freedoms and the right to information, above all else.

Legal Magazines and Books Publications:

• Legal Action Magazine
• Housing and Horizontal-Property Law
• ITBMS withholding agents
• IURIS Magazine
• Storybooks and novels

Positions held in Public Administration:

• Housing Ministry [Ministerio de Vivienda] - 1990-1994
National Leasing Director, President of Housing Commissions and Legal Director.
• Municipality of Panama [Alcaldía del Distrito de Panamá] - 1994
Secretary General and Director of Culture and Fine Arts
• Ministry of Economy and Finance [Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas] - 2000-2004
Director of Public Procurement and Advisor to the Chief of Staff office.
• Housing Ministry [Ministerio de Vivienda] - 2009-2012
Director of Lanlord-tenant and Legal Advisor of the Ministry.
• Ministry of Economy and Finance / General Directorate of Revenue [Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas / DGI] - 2014-2019
Advisor to the Office of the General Director and Tax Collector Judge - Head of the Department of Tax Coercive Jurisdiction.


Legacy Group Services – 2024.
